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Worldbuilding: Creating Slang

Worldbuilding: Creating Slang

When I’m reading science fiction or fantasy stories, I’m always paying attention to the details. It’s the little things that help create a sense of immersion for me. Sure, the big things are important, too. It takes effort to build all the pieces of a city, a kingdom,...
Friday Flash Fiction: Missed Connections

Friday Flash Fiction: Missed Connections

The mouthwatering smell of the freshly baked cupcakes cooling on a nearby rack was enough to make Monica smile as she polished the stainless steel mixing bowl she’d just washed. With her impending retirement only a week away, she looked forward to transitioning from...
Storytelling: Don’t Forget The Why

Storytelling: Don’t Forget The Why

When I’m introducing a new physical location to a story, I think about what I would look for, or notice, were I the one that was seeing that location for the first time. That can vary, depending on the location, but I know that I’m still going to probably use all six...