Robert’s Blog
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Friday Flash Fiction: Cleaning Duty
Story prompt: An ordinary person accidentally saves the day

Friday Flash Fiction: The Afterlife Lie
Story prompt: Convincing someone their existence is a lie
Writing Tips
Writing Tips: When to Break the Rules
TLDR: When should you break the rules? When you need to.
Writing Tips: Choreographing Combat
Well-written combat and action scenes can be a tense, exciting, and rewarding experience for your reader to enjoy.
Writing Tips: Staying Motivated
Finding the motivation to continue through the struggle points of any creative project can be a challenge, even in the best of times.
Writing Tips: When to Break the Rules
TLDR: When should you break the rules? When you need to.
Writing Tips: Choreographing Combat
Well-written combat and action scenes can be a tense, exciting, and rewarding experience for your reader to enjoy.
Writing Tips: Staying Motivated
Finding the motivation to continue through the struggle points of any creative project can be a challenge, even in the best of times.
Writing Tips: Constructing Basic Dialogue
Writing good dialogue doesn’t have to be hard. Like everything else with writing, it takes some thought, and lots of practice.
Flash Fiction
Friday Flash Fiction: Cleaning Duty
Story prompt: An ordinary person accidentally saves the day
Friday Flash Fiction: The Afterlife Lie
Story prompt: Convincing someone their existence is a lie
Friday Flash Fiction: Echoes of Power
Story prompt: Facing the consequences of our hubris
Friday Flash Fiction: Cleaning Duty
Story prompt: An ordinary person accidentally saves the day
Friday Flash Fiction: The Afterlife Lie
Story prompt: Convincing someone their existence is a lie
Friday Flash Fiction: Echoes of Power
Story prompt: Facing the consequences of our hubris
Friday Flash Fiction: The Office of Interdimensional Transport
Story Prompt: There’s a problem with the paperwork.
On Editing Your Own Work
There are both advantages and disadvantages to hiring an editor. It’s the same with editing your own work.
On Editorial Reviews
I was prepared to get negative reviews in return. But I wasn’t prepared to get reviews that are outright queer and transphobic. Silly me.
On Publishing
The publishing process is its own game. Here are some of the steps I took to publish my second book.
On Editing Your Own Work
There are both advantages and disadvantages to hiring an editor. It’s the same with editing your own work.
On Editorial Reviews
I was prepared to get negative reviews in return. But I wasn’t prepared to get reviews that are outright queer and transphobic. Silly me.
On Publishing
The publishing process is its own game. Here are some of the steps I took to publish my second book.
On Writing
I’ve written more than a few first posts over the years. Despite that fact, they never seem to get any easier.
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